100 Music Industry contracts
The Quickest Way To Protect Yourself and Your Music Instantly And Never Pay For An Attorney

Fletcher Billings
CEO of EED Records
“I was excited to know that the package included every kind of contract you would ever need in the music business, I have had to use the Artist Management Contracts twice already. This is the best investment I have made in a longtime.”
From the Desk of Calvin Hill
Re: Music Industry Contracts
Dear Friend,
Here is the best way to save money and protect everything you've been working for in the music business...
Singers, rappers, managers and producers all over the world are negotiating and protecting their interest due to the industries best music contracts.
I'll explain in a minute, but picture this: You can go into any partnership, management deal, record company agreement, copyright, lease, buy, sell music and much more - whenever you want - and never pay lawyer fees!
I know what you're thinking: "It takes hundreds of dollars to get the proper music industry contracts drawn up, they're only for Big-Time Producers, Record Companies, Singers, Bands or Rappers and not for regular people like me!" - But you couldn't be more wrong...In fact your biggest MUSIC IDOL & Record Label is using these contracts and you'd never know.
Don't be jealous - Get even! It doesn't get any easier, you simply fill in some blanks with the 100 MUSIC CONTRACTS Package - ONE TIME - And then forget about it...The contracts are all written by attorneys and they are in Microsoft Word format to be tweaked to your situation.
That's It...

Just Imagine Being Able To:
* Finally do BUSINESS without worry of being sued!
* Sell music knowing that the rights are protected 100%
* Get the proper amount of royalties without getting robbed on the backend
* Present yourself, music or company as if high powered group backed by attorneys
* Sign artist or release your music the public without fear of getting it or them stolen
...And that's just for starters!
This May Sound Crazy - But I'll PROVE That Contracts Are Not An Option
And Not Only That, But:
* These special music business contracts were written by a group of attorneys that charge $300 an hour (That means you have the power to guard yourself or music the absolute correct way!)
* Music business contracts and attorneys have been around for centuries - That means it's proven (don't fall for or make verbal contract deals)
* Thousands of people just like you are ALREADY using these 100 Music Business Contracts to protect themselves in this wild music industry - What are you waiting for??
* I guarantee you'll be completely overjoyed with the contracts or I'll refund every penny!
I'm selling all of these 100 Music Industry Contracts at a 50% discount for a short period of time, So You Must Respond Now To Avoid Losing Out By Responding Within 1-Hour.
You Can Get 50% Off The Regular Price. Get All 100 Music Business Contracts By Responding Right Now...
I INSIST you try them out completely at my risk. Try them for 60 days and SEE the results for yourself. See your clients and artist amazed reactions when you present the correct contract.
If you're not 100% blown away by the results, just return them for a full refund, no questions asked. But I'm betting once you see the results you'll consider your 100 Music Business Contracts your lifelong friend and lawyer partner in the music industry. (I named my contracts "David".)
Try Them Yourself For The Next 60 Days Risk-Free
This is an amazing opportunity and there's NO WAY YOU CAN LOSE. If your clients or music business friends aren't accusing you of hiring a BIG SHOT attorney, If you don't protect yourself or your music without spending hundreds of dollars on a lawyer, just return your contracts in their original condition and I'll buy them back from you - Case Closed.


Below Is A List of Every Single Contract That You'll Receive When You Order
Agreement of Distribution
Agreement of Foreign Agency
Agreement to Pay
Agva Performance Contract
Artist Management Agreement 2
Artist Producer Agreement
Artist Producer Contract
Artist Record Contract
Artist Tech Rider
Assign of Copyrights
Assign of Copyrights 2
Assign of Copyrights 3
Assign of Copyrights 4
Booking Agreement 1
Booking Agreement 2
Broad Rights License
Broadcast Agreement
Broadcast Release
Cooperative Promo Agreement
Commercial Music Agreement
Composer Agreement
Composer Agreement 2
Concert Performance Agreement
Co-publishing Agreement
Short Form Copyright Assign
Copyright License 1
Copyright License 2
Employment Contract
Event Sponsorship Agreement 1
Event Sponsorship Agreement 2
Exclusive Songwriters Contract
Exc. Musician Agent Agreement
Exclusive Songwriters Contract 2
Film Sync Agreement 1
Foreign Agency Agreement
General Partnership Agreement
Independent Contractor Agmt
International Marketing Agmt 1
International Marketing Agmt 2
Joint Venture Agreement
Joint Venture Agreement 2
Limited Partnership Agreement
Artists Management Agreement 1
Artists Management Agreement 2
Artists Management Agreement 3
Artists Management Agreement 4
Artists Management Agreement 5
Artists Management Agreement 6
Master License 1
Master License 2
Master License 3
Mechanical Rights License
Mechanical License 1
Mechanical License 2
Merchandise Lic. Agreement 1
Merchandise Lic Agreement 2
Parental Consent
Partnership Agreement
Photographer Agreement
Prod Dist Promo Agreement
Producers Assistant Agreement
Producer/Manager Agreement
Producer Royalties
Producer Talent Agreement
Production Agreement 1
Production Agreement 2
Publisher/Record Co Contract
Publicity Agreement
Publisher Royalty Agreement
Publishing Agreement 1
Publishing Agreement 2
Publishing Agreement 3
Record Company Contract 1
Record Company Contract 2
Record Company Contract 3
Record Company Contract 4
Record Company Terms - Dist
Recording License
Receipt For Master 1
Receipt For Master 2
Record Co/Producer Agmt
Royalty Agreement 1
Royalty Agreement 2
Royalty Agreement 3
Royalty Agreement 4
Royalty Schedule
Sale of Property Agreement
Single Song Option
Sound/Light Contracting Agmt
Studio Contract
Songwriter Contract 1
Songwriter Contract 2
Songwriter Contract 3
Sync License
Talent Release 1
Talent Release 2
Talent Release 3
Technical Consultant
Union Booking Contract
Video Release
Vocalist Contract
What People Are Saying

Jeff Sparks,
Golden Ink, Inc (Writer)
“I was always told that the music industry is 90 percent business and 10 show and boy was that true. If it wasn't for the Publishing Contracts I would have lost out on $16,000 in 2008. ”

Amber Meeks,
Acoustic Guitar Player
“My sister works for a law firm and afer I filled in the blanks for my Exclusive Songwriters Contract I had the senior partner look at what I had done and his response was, "How much did you pay for this, it's down right good". I now know I'm moving forward with security and peace of mind. ”

Tainted Hearts,
Singers in Dever, Colorado
“Our group left our manager to go to an agency with more pull and if we didn't have our masters under contract we would have lost 12 recordings to the former manager and producer. I would have paid $600 for these agreements. They are worth every penny TRUST ME! ”

Ryan Stokes,
Producer and Engineer, Take 2 Media
“I was able to make $5,000 from an International Marketing Agreement I made for Candice Olsen's Show Devine Design to produce some music for her and HGTV. Hot dog I am starting to like Canada more and more.”
Your 100 Music Business Contracts will be available for download instantly, and you can start preparing to protect your music and YOU within 5 minutes. And remember, It's 100% no risk.
Sincerely, Calvin Hill - CEO of Marinated Musiq, LLC
P.S. - Thousands of people just like you are already benefiting from these 100 Music Industry Contracts. Now it's your turn... You've got nothing to lose!
P.P.S. You MUST respond now to lock in this special price and all the valuable bonuses. Don't miss out and don't waste another day not protecting yourself in this music game.

The Quickest Way To Protect Yourself and Your Music Instantly And Never Pay For An Attorney

100 Music Industry Contracts are the most professional contracts on the Internet and they have been protecting thousands of artist, producers, managers and record companies for years!
The best way to make sure you are safe, tell the person you are doing business with to PUT IT IN WRITING!
INSTANT DOWNLOAD: Get your contracts now

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